Join in a two-year journey through the entire Bible, shared in community with a discipleship group.


Discipleship: Truth and life transference in the context of authentic relationship.

Bible Discipleship Groups covenant together to:

  • Read through the Bible following a two-year plan.

Begin reading in the New Testament. Reading is part of participating. This will take place in small groups of approximately 10-12


  • Memorize Scripture.

Some will be assigned, some will be chosen individually. We begin with Psalm 139:23-24.

  • Pray and meditate on the Word.

Begin to keep a personal prayer journal including a verse, phrase or word from each day's reading.

  • Encourage and hold one another accountable on the journey. our reading, our praying, our serving and our living.

The heartbeat of this journey...

Simply reading the Bible - God's redemption story - and joining in community for conversation and discussion focused around the Word. Jesus is the Word made flesh among us. He said that if He is lifted up that He will draw all people to Himself. That is the purpose of this journey - to see him, to be drawn to Him, to obey Him, and to invite others to this same journey.


Your Bible - no particular translation is required.

What the Bible is All About by Henrietta Mears - a simple ad concise commentary.

30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Max Anders

Clarifying the Bible by Mitch Maher (

If you are interested in joining a two-year journey through the Bible, shared in community with a small group of believers, please complete the form below and we will be in touch soon!