Jesus commanded us to preach the Gospel to all the earth. From the streets of our own city to the other side of the world. Getwell Church is called to “GO!”
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
Part of Getwell’s Mission statement is to “Engage the Holy Spirit in His Mission.” Jesus Christ is the hope of the world, and we believe that the local church is the venue to share that hope. The church is the movement of those who trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, who follow Him in obedience, who worship Him, and are sent out into the world with the good news of what Jesus has done. The church is not a club for people who are perfect. The church is the gathering for all who recognize our need for God’s grace and who are searching for God’s presence and power in the midst of our lives.
As a part of Getwell’s commitment to be a mission-focused church, we participate in local and international missions. Currently, we partner with the following local and regional ministries:
Getwell Local & Regional Missions
Angel Tree – a program of Prison Fellowship makes a difference in the lives of prisoners’ families by coordinating gift deliveries to the children of those who are incarcerated. One in 49 children in the U.S. has a mom or dad in prison. For the past 10 years, Getwell has hosted over 100 kids each Christmas through this program that launches in November of each year.
Apelah is a non-profit provider of specialized foster care and in-home care services. They work with families and the elderly to meet their needs and improve the quality of their lives. Through these services, they strive to achieve their mission of improving well-being and promoting independence throughout all of life's stages with quality and compassion. To find out how you can get involved, visit www.apelah.org.
ARC of Northwest Mississippi promotes and protects the human rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community. They are looking for volunteers that are middle and high school aged as well as young adults and adults to help with a variety of programs. Go to www.thearcnwms.org. and click on volunteer opportunities.
Calvary Rescue Mission is a non-profit, independent, faith-based shelter for homeless men in Memphis. They serve two full meals a day, offer clothing to the homeless, have a 2500 volume library and provide nightly Chapel services, counseling, a discipleship program and lodging. They need families and small groups to sign up to bring, serve and prepare meals each week night. To sign up go to https://calvaryrescuemission.org/contact-us/ and fill out the form to request a night for your family or group. They are located at 960 S. Third St. in Memphis.
Camp Lake Stephens has provided quality camping experiences for children and youth every summer for the past 75 years. Located in Oxford, MS on 87 acres of land, it has now expanded to be a place where children, youth and adults encounter God and respond to His call to transform the world. As a year round camp, it hosts retreats, events, special services for all ages, churches and organizations. Getwell has a long history of supporting Camp Lake Stephens. Check out their website at www.camplakestephens.com
DeSoto Dream Center spreads Christ’s love and builds hope to the underserved in our community by providing food, clothing, quality healthcare and educational assistance to Title 1 school students and their families. The Elementary Education program focuses on 3rd-5th graders, providing reading and math enrichment through game-based activities and homework assistance. The Leadership program focuses on 6th-8th graders, utilizing the John Maxwell Youth Leadership curriculum to develop the leadership ability of the next generation in order to make a positive impact in their community. They are located at 6935 Windchase Drive in Horn Lake. Volunteer opportunities include tutoring, office work, event set up and clean up, and other serve options at special events and fundraisers. Fill out an application at www.desotodreamcenter.org. Click on “Get Involved.” The vision of the Dream Center is to help the underserved of Desoto County to Dream Again!
Trinity Health Center provides medical services for those who qualify without insurance. It is now a ministry of Desoto County Dream Center. They charge a co-pay on a sliding scale, help with getting medications at a lower cost and refer to specialists when medical needs are beyond their service area. All of these services are at a lower cost for the patients who qualify. For more information call 662-830-3827.
Destiny Center exists to bring people and resources together, and to also provide opportunities for those who can, to help those who can’t. Destiny Center has four areas of focus. They provide non-medical transportation to and from doctor appointments. They deliver food to public school children during the summer and meals two days a week to seniors year-round. They have a developing division to offer advancements in career and education. They also connect individuals to the organizations that offer needed services through a resource navigator. They are located at 8941 Cockrum Hwy 305 N, Olive Branch, MS and are always looking for volunteers. Check out their Facebook page or call them at 662-420-2949 on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Desoto County Schools – Getwell provides food and gift cards as requested by several schools who identify families who need them. Getwell also brings treats to teachers several times a year at different schools. The weekday serve team helps prepare and deliver/serve these treats. If you are available during the work week between 10 AM and 2 PM, please contact Spring at spring.nunnelee@getwellchurch.org to be added to this group.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes of North Mississippi leads coaches and athletes into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. John Engstrom and his staff are looking for passionate Christ followers who would come to meet one-on-one with athletes and get to know them and share Christ with them at the Fieldhouse in Hernando. He can also direct volunteers to help with the FCA programs at all the middle and high schools in DeSoto County. Contact him at jengstrom@fca.org.
Gideons International is a body of believers dedicated to making the word of God available to everyone and, together with the local church, reaching souls for Christ. This membership based organization places Bibles in hotels, schools and businesses. They also minister to those in prison on a regular basis. Their website is www.gideons.org Locally please contact Roy Ashton at reashton001@gmail.com if you would like more information on Gideons in Desoto County.
Habitat for Humanity works hard to build homes for those in need. They raise money to buy supplies and have a community of volunteers in construction and other trades to help complete the house. New homeowners who qualify have a low interest loan at a very low mortgage through Habitat which allows them to own their own home. For more information on volunteering, check out their website at www.desotohabitat.org
Healing Hearts Child Advocacy Center provides advocacy services to victims of child abuse in DeSoto and Tate counties. They have a team approach that reduces trauma through advocacy, treatment, education and prevention. They are located at 5627 Getwell Rd, Suite B-3 in Southaven. Healing Hearts has volunteer opportunities for fundraising, administrative duties, community outreach and prevention programs. Call their office at 662-349-1555 to schedule a time to get a tour and find out how you can help.
Heartland Hands Food Pantry distributes food to qualifying families in areas of Desoto County not covered by Olive Branch Food Pantry. They are the largest food pantry in North Mississippi and are completely volunteer run. They also provide food and other items to pantries and local ministries all across the state. They are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM to 1 PM and are located at 1621 Goodman Road W in Horn Lake. Contact them to volunteer by emailing info@heartlandhands.org.
House of Grace – offers a Christ-centered way out of seemingly hopeless situations for the victims of domestic abuse. They provide confidential resources, counseling and a temporary safe shelter for victims and their children to live once the choice is made to leave the abuser. It is a nonprofit ministry that does not charge for any of their services. They need donations of food, clothes and toiletries for their clients as well as volunteers to assist with needs behind the scenes. Community investment is the best way for the House of Grace to succeed. Their number is (662) 253-0252 or email to information@houseofgracedv.org
Jacob’s Well prepares and serves meals for the hungry monthly in downtown Memphis as well as provides a church service each Saturday at Memphis First Methodist Church. Getwell provides volunteers on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Please contact Amanda at Getwell Church office 662-349-3680 if you are interested in serving.
John 3:16 Ministries is a spiritual boot camp for men with drug and alcohol addictions. It was established in 2013 and has helped over 1000 men overcome addictions. It is located on 200 acres outside of Charlotte, Arkansas. It currently houses over 180 men in 15 faith houses. They eat three meals a day and attend Chapel services as well as complete work projects as they go through rehabilitation. Currently, there are women being treated through John 3:16 in a separate area as well. Getwell supports John 3:16 along with our Desoto County Sheriff and community because we have seen evidence of God’s work of healing through this ministry
Life Choices of Memphis is a privately funded pregnancy care medical clinic that provides pregnancy tests and confirmation; ultrasounds; STI diagnosis/treatment/testing; post abortion care; info on the morning after pill, abortion, counseling and help for practical needs; and adoption services. All services are free and confidential for women and the fathers of their babies. They have many volunteer opportunities. To sign up go to www.lcfriends.org Click on “Contact us” and then “Send us a Message.”
The Precious House is a non-profit shelter for women located in Hernando. They house up to 16 women and provide a community of growth, responsibility, and adjustment as they transfer to live after prison. The mission of Precious in Pink Jail Ministries is to reflect the hope and love of of Christ by providing a stable Christ-centered environment for women who desire to change their lives. Precious in Pink remains committed to providing an environment that models evangelical Christian values, mends emotional scars, restores self-esteem and provides for each woman the full opportunity to reach her God-given potential. Check out their Facebook Page: Precious in Pink to contact them.
Pregnancy “Care Center” of Southaven is a non-profit pregnancy care center that provides pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, educational classes, post abortion support and infant supplies to women. They are located at 1277 Main Street in Southaven. They are open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 11am - 7pm. They need volunteers to help sort donations and prepare gift bags for clients. Sign up at www.careprc.org and click on “Contact” and fill out the form.
Prison Ministry at Marshall County Correctional Facility – Getwell Church has ministry partners who serve at Marshall County Correctional Facility by leading Kairos Weekend Retreats, weekly Bible Studies through Prison Fellowship, and coordinate community efforts to get more people involved in prison ministry. Currently, there are three church services that the community can attend but arrangements must be made in advance. There are also options to give and pray during Kairos weekends. Please contact Rob Cox at rcox14@comcast.net. During November and December, Getwell Church Southaven focuses on Prison Ministry through their “Love Continues…” Ministry that includes members buying Christmas gifts for children of prisoners through Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree Ministry, giving gift cards to the caregivers of these children and/or sending $10 for prisoners at Marshall County Correctional Facility to supply toiletry items for each prisoner.
Together Ministry Center provides a unique educational option for families living at Candlelite Mobile Home park. In 2020, they started Victory Plus Education Center to provide an option for kids to be “home schooled” during the Covid season. In 2022, God provided a second trailer called More Victory Plus Education Center and they now educate 19 children of all ages. In the summer, they offer a summer camp and had 27 kids participate in 2022. If you would like to serve in the summer or the school year, they are looking for tutors and helpers. Go to www.togetherministrycenter.org and click “Contact Us.”
World Relief was established to empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable. They receive refugees from all over the world to help them relocate and be transformed socially, economically and spiritually. Getwell Missions has participated in the Good Neighbor program which was set up to bring five families together to help a new refugee family in their first six months after coming to Memphis to get health appointments, legal documents, housing, jobs and enroll kids in school. World Relief does the leg work and church families get to walk alongside these families. Check out their website at www.worldrelief.org

RELIEF TEAM: If you would like to serve on a team to help with cleanup, please complete the signup form below.
We will be in touch with opportunities to help as soon as we know of a specific need and can mobilize a team.
If you personally need help recovering from a natural disaster, please contact our Missions Director at missions@getwellchurch.org.

Jesus commanded us to preach the Gospel to all the earth. From the streets of our own city to the other side of the world, Getwell Church is called to go! If worship helps define our passion for God, then missions drive our compassion for other people. This sums up one of our clearest definitions of spiritual maturity: it’s not about me, but it’s all about Him and them. As a part of Getwell Church’s commitment to be a mission-focused church, we participate in local, national and international mission projects. Take a look below at the current opportunities to give and serve!
Getwell supports the following missionaries monthly. All of our missionaries have come to us through personal connections with Getwell. We receive newsletters with updates on their ministry, pray for them and they visit Getwell when they are in the United States. We are an active partner in the work God has called them to do.
Africa – Congo – Evangelism & Discipleship
Dean and Autumn Jordan have been missionaries since 1996. They started off in Congo with a vision to train and equip the body of Christ in Congo to build their lives on Biblical principles and not the traditions of men. In 2009, they started the CFBC (Center for Biblical Training) which provided Biblical training, the theology of work and application of these principles. Their strategy is to train and equip families that will return to their villages and establish their own training centers, teach and make disciples and demonstrate in their own lives the Biblical principles that they have learned. Today they are based out of Starkville, MS and Dean travels to several countries in Africa to implement this program by partnering with ministries and missionaries in the field.
Africa – Ghana – Medical & Dental Ministry, Evangelism, Teaching and Discipleship
Bob & Jean Young have been serving as full time missionaries to Ghana, Africa since 1988. Dr. Jean has been using her profession and gifts as a medical doctor in a rural community hospital in Saboba and Mr. Bob has helped with maintenance, repairs and many other community projects.
Getwell Missions also works with Pastor Jonah Mayan who leads the Pastor’s Council in Saboba. Through this ministry, Getwell provides support for community needs, Pastor training, Pastor’s wives fellowship & training, youth and sports ministry, and children’s Bible ministry.
Africa - Kenya – Medical Services, Church Planting, Evangelism & Discipleship
Mark & Irene DeFrates operate the nonprofit ministry Hands of Care International (HOCI) along with their daughter, Lyla. Their purpose is to serve the people of East Africa by bringing medical and humanitarian aid along with the Gospel to remote areas – one truckload at a time. Their ministry focuses on medical camps and supplies, orphanage support and supplies, and building the local church.
China – Evangelism & Discipleship
Brandon & Theresa Harris and their children, Levi and Harper, live in Fulton, MS. They serve as Regional Care Coordinators for Asia Missionaries at Global Outreach. After serving in China before the pandemic, they still have a calling to reach the lost in Asia. Brandon travels to China, Japan, Cambodia, Thailand, India, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Singapore and Taiwan to visit missionaries and provide support as well as keep them connected to their sending churches. God is using their gifts of shepherding, pastoring and leadership in Asia and in their community.
England – Guisborough – The Bridge Association
Getwell Church has partnered with a multi-church organization in Guisborough, England known as “The Bridge” since 2010. The Bridge unites all churches in the area by providing meals, connection, community, counseling and support to those in need both physically and spiritually.
Greg Meek, Pastor to Families and Next Gen, has been leading this trip since the beginning as a high school/young adult mission trip focused on evangelism and relationship building. Through the years, several of the first teens they met have accepted Jesus as their Savior and are now young adults. The team meets in parks and coffee shops doing relational evangelism and helps lead “Holiday Club” for different churches.
Ethiopia – Lead Pastor at the International Evangelical Church - Steve & Margaret Winstead
Steve Winstead and his wife, Margaret, and their four boys answered God's call to missions in January of 2021 when he became the Lead Pastor of the IEC (International Evangelical Church) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Getwell Church has been blessed to work with Steve through Downline Ministries where he was a leader in discipleship. In his new position at IEC, he is ministering weekly to more than 60 nationalities who speak multiple languages. Current projects include a youth center and Christian Education building in addition to hosting an Orphan Summit and starting an intern program to train up leaders.
France – Church Planting & Evangelism - John Hugh & Linda Tate
John Hugh & Linda Tate and their three boys, Jack, Logan, and Ethan have been called to plant and pastor a family of churches in Paris, France. They have completed one year of learning French and working with two different churches to form a core team to plant a series of churches in unreached areas of Paris. By mentoring leaders and discipling those leaders to mentor others, they are excited to bring the Gospel to light in a culture that is highly secularized and resistant to the Gospel.
Honduras – Orphanage, Education and Discipleship
Getwell Missions has been sending teams to Good Shepherd Children’s Home for over 10 years. It is located in Zamorano, Honduras. BMDMI (Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International) manages the home and relies on churches to help with needed repairs and enhancements as well as to share God’s love to the children under their care. There are 30-50 kids in the home depending on the need and season. Tios and Tias (Uncles and Aunts) serve as house parents at the home and the kids go to school on the children’s home property at a community school that teaches them English and Spanish.
Middle East – Evangelism and Discipleship
We support a family who is doing ministry in the Middle East in an undisclosed location. They are working with refugees who have fled to escape terrorism. We can’t disclose their names or location but we will continue to pray for them and support them monthly.
Nicaragua – Food Distribution, Evangelism, Discipleship, Children’s Ministry
Child Dream Center is a ministry of Family Christian Community Church in Diriamba, Nicaragua. Pastors Fabricio and Ana Isabel Velasquez were called to plant this church in 2015 to help raise up a new generation who follow Christ. The Dream Center ministry includes a discipleship and leadership group for adults, a youth leadership group and five community dining rooms that feed 216 children.
Philippines – Evangelism, Training and Mentoring – James & Brittany Riggins, World Venture
James and Brittany Riggins married in June of 2021. Through their faith training, they both were called to share the Gospel to Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Hindus. Together they started a training program to teach Christians about these religions and how to engage people of these faiths so that they can have more confidence and grace in evangelism. They led Temple Tours to educate and break down barriers about these faiths. In 2022, the call to become full time missionaries in the Philippines became a reality. They moved in October and are working with a team from World Venture in Cebu, Philippines.
Poland – Discipleship and Conference Training, Refugee Relief through local Distribution Center
Wojtek and Agnieszka Kowalewska are missionaries in Wroclaw, Poland. Their ministry is Golden Apple Institute, and they lead discipleship training through a program called the School of Biblical Discipleship. When the war started in March of 2022, Agnieszka started working with Ukrainian refugees through a church partnership and has been managing a distribution center for refugees that is open three days a week. They provide food, clothing and other essentials to over 1000 refugees a week. Getwell Church took our first mission trip to help in the distribution center in November of 2022.
Ghana - March 2026
Europe - May 2024, May 2025
Central America - first quarter of 2025
If you are interested in going on an international mission trip, please click the button below to review and complete the application. Contact Spring Nunnelee at spring.nunnelee@getwellchurch.org if you have questions.
What's it like going on a mission trip?
"Missions is stepping out of my comfort zone and knowing that God will equip me to do His will in showing His love to others ... in return I have received more blessings than I can even count. I always leave a little bit of my heart with the people and countries that we serve." Sandi White
What do volunteers do on a mission trip?
Responsibilities vary from trip to trip, but generally the group is divided into different ministry teams:
- Bible School Team: holds Bible school for the local children
- Medical Team: sees patients and dispenses non-narcotic drugs
- Construction Team: paints, pours concrete, digs footings, etc.
- Love Distribution Team: distributes clothing and food to the local families
Where do volunteers go on mission trips?
Getwell has sent teams to Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho and Tunisia in Africa; La Joya, El Oro and Chalco in Mexico; Honduras, the Mississippi Gulf Coast and the Navajo Nation in New Mexico, to name just a few! We are constantly on the lookout for new opportunities.
What will I need before I can go on a mission trip?
- Passport
- Vaccinations (varies for different countries)
- Open mind, open heart, open arms
What will my out of pocket cost be for a mission trip?
The cost of each trip is determined by many factors. Getwell is committed to help with individuals' mission calling by offering scholarships. The Mission Committee reviews all applications and determines percentages of assistance available. Many mission team members also help cover costs by acquiring sponsor donations.
Why should I volunteer for a mission trip?
- To share the Gospel in "word" and 'deed'
- To receive the blessing of giving to those less fortunate
- To make a real difference in someone's life
- To see how another culture lives
How do I volunteer for a mission trip?
Please contact missions@getwellchurch.org and our Missions Coordinator can direct you from there!
What are our fund raising options?
We have several fund raising events through the year including our missions auction, lunches and dinners, and other activities. We're always in need of folks who, for one reason or another, cannot travel with us on mission trips but who would like to be part of our fund raising team.
What is the minimum age for a mission team member?
The minimum age of unaccompanied minors wishing to participate in international mission trips commissioned by Getwell Church is sixteen (16) years old by the departure date of the mission trip. As with anyone wishing to participate in international mission trips, a completed mission application and predetermined deposit amount must be submitted to the Missions Committee by the deadline date for consideration. The Missions Committee has the final decision on all mission team applicants. Deposits are non-refundable unless the applicant is not approved by the Missions Committee.
The parent(s) of an approved unaccompanied minor shall provide a notarized document granting temporary guardianship to the mission trip team-leader before any travel arrangements (i.e. purchase of airline tickets, lodging, etc.) are made.
In addition, if an unaccompanied minor of at least sixteen (16) years of age is approved by the Missions Committee, the minor must have an adult sponsor on the mission team (other than the mission team leader) that is responsible for the minor.

Getwell Church is now a member of the Kroger Community Rewards Program! Through this program, Kroger will donate a percentage of every purchase you make to Getwell Church, which supports Getwell Missions' work to serve others in our community. To participate, sign up online to set Getwell Church as your designated organization, and make sure to scan your Kroger card when you shop.
1) Visit https://www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards
2) Scroll down to #2 - "Link your Card to an Organization" and click on the link.
3) Log into your Kroger account. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a registered rewards card. (Don't have a Kroger rewards card yet? Stop by the Customer Service desk at any Kroger to sign up - it saves you money AND now helps Getwell Missions!)
4) Search for "Getwell Church" in the search bar.
5) Click "Enroll"
REMEMBER, purchases will not count for Getwell Church until after you register your rewards card. You must swipe your registered Kroger rewards card or use the phone number that is related to your registered Kroger rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.